Kenya Education Project

We have been incredibly blessed to have such a generous congregation over the past few years allowing us to support the three semesters of school for 5 children in Kenya.

We believe that Education is one of the key contributing factors to ending a cycle of poverty. Education has the potential to improve the lives of the individual, and their communities as they use the skills they learn to help others and build the kingdom of God.

Of course, we do not only want to be supporting these children financially, but we also want to ensure that we are supporting these children in prayer.

Thank you for continuing to partner with us in the support of these children financially and spiritually.  You can give to this through E-Transfer and mention that the donation goes to Kenya Kids.

Since 2020 LCFI has been partnering with Missions for LIFE ministry. Missions for LIFE is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency and as such has charitable activities. These activities include improving the lives of those in need in Nicaragua, preaching the gospel, and various missions programs. The ministry is led by Bernie Martin who has been ministering in Nicaragua since 2007. Missions for LIFE focuses their ministry in the following areas:

PURE Religion

Widows food basket ministry - Ministering to 40 widows and families in need per month. The need is ever greater with Covid-19 and the impacts of 2 hurricanes in November. The cost of each food package is $125 Can.

Leadership Training

A church management training will be held for Pastors in various pasts of the country both virtually and in person with proper precautions. This will help them to have a biblical understanding of how to run their churches effectively.

PURE Faith - Children’s Sports camp

A children’s sports camp will be held for 150 children from various communities from the Jinotepe area. It is an opportunity to bless and encourage the children. We will also feed them lunch. We also use this experience to train local leaders how to do this ministry.

“One of the unique parts of our ministry is that we always partner and work with local ministries and people. We always let them lead because it is their country and we use the best mission practices to have the greatest kingdom impact.” - Bernie Martin

You can give to this through E-Transfer and mention that the donation goes to Missions for LIFE.

To find out more about this ministry visit their website

Justice Water is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) International. They have operating locations in Cambodia, Haiti, The Dominican Republic and Togo, West Africa and their head office is located at the Youth With A Mission campus in Kona, Hawaii. 

Justice Water believes in a world where everyone has access to clean drinking water. A world where no child has to die due to preventable, water-related diseases. A world where women and children don't have to spend valuable hours collecting water, but have opportunities to a quality life. 

To date, Justice Water has had the privilege of training 100's of missionaries in clean water technology, completed over 900 projects in seven countries, providing more than 50,000 people with clean water and sanitation.

Justice Water works directly with local people (families, skilled/un-skilled labourers, community leaders) on every project. As the goal is training and equipping the nationals with the ability to take care of their water problems long after Justice Water is gone, they work alongside the local people teaching them everything they know, so they can do it on their own

You can give to this through E-Transfer and mention that the donation goes to Justice Water.

To find out more about this ministry visit their website


The Urban Haven Project has developed into a community outreach initiative to bring hope and dignity back into the lives of those in greatest need in London.

The Urban Haven Project offers multiple services to our community. Founded in 2016, the Urban Haven Project has proudly served over 20,000 individuals and the need is rapidly growing. This ministry is funded through amazing partnerships with local business, church and service clubs and incredible individuals that desire to make a difference in their community. LCFI is one of those partners.

In 2021, Urban Haven is building on their success in the community meeting tangible needs such as clothing, food and essentials by reaching even further to the "working poor", some of our local rural communities and those living in temporary motel shelters. Urban Haven goes to where the need is greatest!

To find out more about this ministry visit their website